We Are Glad To Have You With Us!
Services are streamed live here, to Facebook, and to YouTube
Follow along with the bulletin for 2/2
If this ministry is a blessing to you, please consider making a donation online to support the ongoing ministry at St. Ann's.
Thank you for your generosity!
Would you like to partner with us this year?
And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Luke 9:16-17, NRSV
Stewardship is a season in which we spend some focused prayer and discernment acknowledging all that God has done for us and the many blessings he has lavished upon us, and our response to all that He has done for us.
The pledge that you make is for the period January 1 through December 31. Please click here to submit your pledge card online. By physically indicating what the Lord has called us to return to Him it helps us to tangibly grasp onto something that is otherwise an abstract commitment.
Thank you for your generosity!
Bible Study
Acts Bible Study
Do you ever feel powerless? The people of the early church discovered what true power looks like. Jesus transformed their lives—and they changed the world!
Acts is the extraordinary record of what these early Christian disciples did. The power that you see in action in this book is the same power that can transform your life. As Phyllis J. Le Peau leads you through the second half of Acts in this twelve-session LifeGuide Bible Study, you will begin to understand what the Holy Spirit can do in you and in the world.
This study meets on Thursdays at 6 pm in-person and virtually by clicking here.
Free Community Meal
Join us for a free community meal on February 23 from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. This meal is served on the last Sunday of the month. This meal is free of charge and open to all. The food pantry and free clothing assistance is also available.
Join us for worship during Lent
- Ash Wednesday Mass: March 5 at 8:30 am & 6:30 pm
- Stations of the Cross: Thursdays at 5:30 pm (March 6 - April 10)
- Bible Study: Thursdays at 6:00 pm
- Weekday Eucharist: Wednesdays at 8:30 am (March 12 - April 16)
- Lenten Taize Prayer Service: March 21 at 6:30 pm
The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice Book Study
You are invited to participate in a Lenten study that will gather to pray, converse, and learn how to take action for the spiritual work of racial justice. The group will use the book, The Spiritual Work of Racial Justice, by Patrick Saint-Jean, SJ (published 2021). The book is framed in the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which has been part of Christian spiritual practice for centuries. Dr. Saint-Jean has masterfully brought the exercises into contemporary concerns and uses recent events, as well as historical events, of racial injustice in America to offer prayer practices and actions that allow Christians to look at themselves as individuals and as a society through the lens of racial justice.
This is not easy work. The things we will be learning about are painful and real; but, this spiritual work is worth the discomfort because it frees us to better love our neighbors. (Plus, it’s Lent!) This group is an invitation to begin an ongoing journey.
The group is in-person at 11am for four Sundays: 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 4/6. (note: we will not meet on 3/30 because of the community meal.)
Please purchase the book in time to start reading it the week before our first meeting. If you plan to attend, please contact Lisa Longe.
Women's Group
The Women's Group would like to invite you to our next meeting on Monday, March 17 at 6 pm. The fundamental focuses of this group are fellowship, faith, prayer, and participation/service with/for people in the community.
In appreciation for the gifts and skills each person may possess we would like to exten a welcome to anyone in the community who might be interested in joining us, regardless of their religious path. If you have any family members of friends who may enjoy participating in this goup, please feel free to bring them to this meeting.
Please sign up on the Bulletin Board in the Parish Hall or contact the parish office if you will be attending.
We look forward to seeing you.
We have meetings scheduled for: 3/17, 4/21, and 5/21 (Wed 5p-7:30 pm @ CP's, Hagaman). There are no meetings in June, July, or August.
Lenten Taize Prayer Service
A Lenten Taize service will be celebrated on Friday, 3/21 at 6:30 pm. A Taizé worship service involves sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, and icons. There is no preaching. The style of prayer practiced at Taizé has attracted many worshipers from around the globe and from many different denominations. The prayers consist of “short chants, repeated again and again,” according to an introduction in a Taizé songbook. “The words are sung over many times.”
Food Pantry Wishlist
Prayer Requests / Email Newsletter
Have you remembered St. Ann's in your estate planning?
In order to conduct our programs and maintain our facilities, St. Ann's Episcopal Church conducts an annual stewardship campaign in order to meet our budget needs. Another source of support are the gifts parishioners and friends leave the church when their life on earth comes to an end. They have been thoughtful in preparing their estate plans and wills to include St. Anns. Many capital projects have been funded over the years by these types of gifts.
The leadership of St. Ann's would like to make our friends and parishioners aware of this giving opportunity.
Ways to Make a Planned Gift
- Bequests & Wills/Living Trusts
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Pooled Income Fund
- Life Insurance & Retirement Accounts
- Real Estate, Appreciated Property, & Tangible Personal Property
- Charitable Lead Trust
More information about these different options has been provided by the Episcopal Church Foundation.
Please contact Fr. Neal through the parish office if you are interested in making a bequest or estate gift.
The office phone number is 518-842-2363. All interactions are strictly confidential.